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In case you don’t know it, you’ve just stumbled across Weekend Writing Warriors, one of the best blog hops on the web.  Click the link above to discover a whole range of fun and interesting excerpts by writers of all genres.

So in my little corner of the world, something exciting happened. My book launched!  Symphony of Ruin: A Labyrinth of Souls novel is now available at a fine online retailer near you.

I’ve been sharing from the first chapter when we first meet Remy, an alchemist’s apprentice, and his friend Glyn.  Remy is in the process of raiding his master’s liquor pantry, going for the good stuff on the top shelf.


Remy remembered its heat coating his throat, the flavors of caramel, loam and wealth, and the comforting affect a mere sip had on his state of mind. That was what he needed now—comfort. Glyn had just brought him the news of their mate Abernath’s death. Abernath, a robust young man of seventeen years—the same age as Remy and Glyn—had been found dead in an alley the night before without a fresh mark on him.

Remy’s long fingers tweezed the decanter toward the edge of the shelf. Glyn took an audible breath, sucking air out of the room in the process, braced to flee at the first hint of disaster. Glyn would rather face death than Master Marek in a rage.

“Marek is in the Giant Mountains,” Remy assured him, voice a little pinched from the effort of stretching to his full length and a tiny bit beyond. “I’ve had no word from him for weeks. He’s not about to pop up in the middle of the night with no notice.”

Death is stalking The City. From out of the catacombs, a deadly monster has arisen. Unfortunately for alchemist’s apprentice Remy the Rat Boy, his master is away and it’s up to Remy to discover the nature of the monster and put an end to its killing rampage. His search for answers takes him high into the elegant chambers of the city’s elite, and down into long forgotten ruins, into depths untraveled and unimagined for centuries. Lost in the ancient ruins with only ghosts and creatures of the darkness for companionship, Remy must use every ounce of wit and conjure every scrap of magic at his disposal in order to survive the labyrinth and save The City from its shadow self.

Buy on Amazon or Books2Read

By the way, Symphony is available in both ebook and print, but the great Amazon machine hasn’t quite figured that out yet, so the two versions aren’t linked (last time I looked).

The awesome artwork on the cover is by Josephe Vandel.

For more info on the Labyrinth of Souls Fiction Project visit ShadowSpinnerspress.com